TR5-1821: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Sparkle Silver Gray Lined Aqua AB - 1 tube
11-2035: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Metallic Khaki Iris Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1204: Swarovski 12mm Bronze Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-TQB: C-Lon Turquoise Blue Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
505-016: Gold Bird Embroidery Scissors

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1. Cut a three foot length of C-Lon size D beading thread. String one 12mm Swarovski Crystal Pearl (SP).
2. Pass up through the SP so that the thread wraps around the outside of the bead.
3. Repeat step 2 to reinforce the thread wrap.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to make a second thread wrap on the opposite side of the bead.
5. String two Miyuki size 5/0 Triangle beads (TR5).
6. Pass the needle under the thread wrap to the right.
7. Turn and pass up through the second TR5 bead. Both of the TR5 beads should now be sitting securely on the surface of the SP.
8. String one Miyuki size 11/0 seed bead and one TR5. Pass the needle under the thread wrap to the right.
9. Turn and pass up through the TR5 securing it into place. The 11/0 will sit on the thread bridge connecting the last two TR5 beads.
10. String one TR5 and pass the needle under the thread wrap. Turn and pass up through the TR5.
11. String one 11/0 and one TR5. Pass the needle under the thread wrap. Turn and pass up through the TR5.
12. Repeat step 10.
13. Repeat step 11, anchoring the beads onto the left thread wrap for the first time.
14. Continue around the rest of the SP adding beads by alternating steps 10 and 11. There should be twelve TR5 beads in total.
15. String one 11/0 bead and pass down through the TR5 to the right.
16. Continue up through the TR5 to the left and nearest 11/0 to reinforce.
17. Turn and pass down through the TR5 to the right. Continue through the center hole in the SP and exit the closest TR5.
18. Rotate the entire piece clockwise 180º. String two 11/0 beads, one TR5, and two 11/0 beads. Pass down through the next TR5 to the right. This will form the first point.
19. Pass up through the next TR5 to right.
20. String two 11/0 beads, one TR5, and two 11/0 beads. Pass down through the next TR5 to the right, and continue up through the following TR5.
21. Repeat step 20 around the edge of the piece until there are six points.
22. Moving to the right pass up through the next TR5, 11/0 beads and TR5, exiting the point at its tip.
23. String seven 11/0 beads.
24. Form a loop by passing back through the TR5, moving from left to right.
25. Reinforce the loop by passing through all the beads again. Continue down through the next 11/0 and TR5 beads on the right.
26. Follow the thread path to the left, passing through a TR5, 11/0, and TR5.
27. Pass through the center hole in the SP and exit through the closest TR5.
28. Pass through all the beads in the nearest point to reinforce.
29. Secure and trim all thread tails.
30. Attach the earwire onto the loop of 11/0 beads.

TR5-1166: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Sparkle Rose Lined Light Topaz Luster - 1 tube
11-1005: Miyuki 11/0 Silverlined Dark Topaz AB Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1231: Swarovski 12mm Coral Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-LBR: C-Lon Light Brown Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-1158: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Red AB - 1 tube
11-4250: Miyuki 11/0 Duracoat Silverlined Dyed Taupe Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1224: Swarovski 12mm Platinum Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-R: C-Lon Red Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-3283: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Rococo Silverlined Light Rose Pink - 1 tube
11-215: Miyuki 11/0 Blush Lined Crystal Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1208: Swarovski 12mm Creamrose Light Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-P: C-Lon Pink Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-S: Sterling Silver Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-1821: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Sparkle Silver Gray Lined Aqua AB - 1 tube
11-2035: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Metallic Khaki Iris Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1204: Swarovski 12mm Bronze Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-TQB: C-Lon Turquoise Blue Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-454: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Metallic Dark Plum Iris - 1 tube
11-975: Miyuki 11/0 Copper Lined Pale Chartreuse Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1200: Swarovski 12mm Antique Brass Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-PU: C-Lon Purple Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-1168: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Sparkle Light Green Lined Topaz Luster - 1 tube
11-311: Miyuki 11/0 Topaz Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1207: Swarovski 12mm Copper Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-OL: C-Lon Olive Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-G: Gold-Filled Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-1157: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Gray AB - 1 tube
11-1884: Miyuki 11/0 Violet Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1206: Swarovski 12mm Burgundy Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-SFG: C-Lon Sea Foam Green Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-S: Sterling Silver Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces
TR5-2005: Miyuki 5/0 Triangle Matte Metallic Dark Raspberry Iris - 1 tube
11-466: Miyuki 11/0 Metallic Dark Raspberry Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
29-1222: Swarovski 12mm Night Blue Crystal Pearl - 2 pieces
CLBD-BR: C-Lon Brown Size D Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-100-S: Sterling Silver Earwire with Loop - 2 pieces