LMA-190F: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Nickel Plated - 2 tubes
11-2040: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Metallic Brick Red Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-401FR: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Bead Matte Black AB - 1 tube
DP28-25: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead S/L Capri Blue - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dark Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-S: Silver Plated Ball Toggle - 1 set
505-016: Gold Bird Embroidery Scissors
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1. Pull approximately three feet of thread from the bobbin but do not cut. String on five 11/0 seed beads and bring them to the bobbin end of the thread.
2. String through one side of the toggle clasp, then add four more 11/0 beads.
3. Skipping the first 11/0 (closest to the bobbin) string into the second 11/0 to form a loop.
4. Pass through all the 11/0 beads and toggle again to reinforce the loop. Exit the eighth 11/0.
5. Go into the ninth 11/0 just below the loop.
6. String on one 2.2mm Spacer bead (SPR22), one 2.8mm Drop bead (DP28), and one SPR22.
7. String three 11/0 beads.
8. Continue this pattern by repeating steps 6 and 7 until there are 63 of these six bead sections. This will form the strung portion of the necklace.
9. Add one more SPR22, DP28, SPR22. To double check the length simply count the drop beads there should be 64 in total. Place a piece of tape on this thread to secure beads.
10. Moving to the bobbin end of the thread, unwind about six feet before cutting off the bobbin. Thread the needle onto this side of the thread.
11. String through the first SPR22, DP28, SPR22 group.
12. String on three 11/0 beads, one SPR22, one Long Magatama (LMA), one SPR22, and one DP28. When stringing the LMA make sure the tip of the bead is slanting down. This is the direction they will be strung throughout the necklace.
13. Pass back up through the SPR22, LMA, and SPR22.
14. Add three 11/0 beads.
15. Going back into the strung portion of the necklace and pass through the next three beads (SPR22, DP28, and SPR22).
16. Repeat steps 12 - 15 until there are 17 single LMA dangles.
17. String three 11/0 beads, one SPR22, one LMA, one SPR22, and one DP28.
18. Go back into the SPR22, and the LMA.
19. String three 11/0 beads, one SPR22, one LMA, one SPR22, and one DP28. Go back into the SPR22, and the LMA.
20. String back up through one SPR22, three 11/0 beads and then the SPR22 in the first section.
21. Add three 11/0 beads.
22. Go back up to the strung portion of the necklace and pass through the next three beads (SPR22, DP28, SPR22).
23. Repeat steps 17 - 22 until there are eight sets of two LMA dangles.
24. Repeat steps 18 and 19, then 19 again creating a three LMA bead dangle. Pull to tighten after each section is added.
25. Now go back up through one SPR22, three 11/0 beads, one SPR22, three 11/0 beads, and one SPR22.
26. String three 11/0 beads.
27. Go back up to the strung portion of the necklace and pass through the next three beads (SPR22, DP28, SPR22).
28. Repeat steps 24 - 27 until there are four dangles with three LMAs each.
29. Create the next dangle, this time with four LMAs. Pull tight to secure after each set is added.
30. Bring the thread back up through all the SPR22 and 11/0 beads. After the top SPR22 add three 11/0 beads. Go back up to the strung portion of the necklace and pass through the next three beads.
31. Make a second dangle with four LMA beads on it.
32. Working in the same way create one dangle with five LMA beads on it. This is the center point of the necklace.
33. After pulling tight add three 11/0 beads and pass through the next three beads in the strung portion.
34. Now repeat the pattern from the first half of the necklace but in reverse. First make two dangles with four LMA beads on each. (An illustration of the entire necklace layout can be seen at the bottom of the page).
35. Make four dangles with three LMA beads on each.
36. Make eight dangles with two LMA beads on each.
37. Make 17 dangles with one LMA bead on each. Push down on the strung section to cinch beads together and make sure all the slack is taken up.
38. String on five 11/0 beads, the toggle, and four 11/0 beads.
39. Skipping the first 11/0 (closest to the strung portion) pass through eight 11/0 beads and toggle again to create a loop, then again to reinforce. Exit through the ninth 11/0 bead.
40. After checking again that any slack has been taken up, tie a square knot at the base of the 11/0 loop.
41. Sew in the thread tails to secure and reinforce the necklace.
42. Trim off loose ends of thread.

Blue Spruce
LMA-2105F: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Tr Light Sapphire - 2 tubes
11-414: Miyuki 11/0 Opaque Cobalt Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-455: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Metallic Variegated Blue Iris - 1 tube
DP28-457: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead Metallic Dark Bronze - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dark Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-AB: Antique Brass Ball Toggle - 1 set
Cherry Blossom
LMA-3507: Miyuki Long Magatama Tr Peach Luster - 2 tubes
11-4270: Miyuki 11/0 Duracoat S/L Dyed Magenta Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-462: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Metallic Gold Iris - 1 tube
DP28-2035: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead Matte Metallic Khaki Iris - 1 tube
MNT-15: Miyuki Nutmeg Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-AB: Antique Brass Ball Toggle - 1 set
Mountain Hemlock
LMA-2008: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Metallic Patina Iris - 2 tubes
11-955: Miyuki 11/0 24kt Gold-Lined Pale Gray Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-4202: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Duracoat Galvanized Gold - 1 tube
DP28-2008: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead Matte Metallic Patina Iris - 1 tube
MNT-11: Miyuki Green Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-G: Gold Plated Ball Toggle - 1 set
Persian Lime
LMA-401F: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Black - 2 tubes
11-2316: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Op Lime Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-4201: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Duracoat Galvanized Silver - 1 tube
DP28-458: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead Metallic Brown Iris - 1 tube
MNT-12: Miyuki Black Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-AB: Antique Brass Ball Toggle - 1 set
Phoenix Palm
LMA-2021: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Op Cream - 2 tubes
11-412F: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Op Turquoise Green Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-596: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Opaque Tea Rose Luster - 1 tube
DP28-421D: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Cream Ceylon - 1 tube
MNT-04: Miyuki Blush Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-S: Silver Plated Ball Toggle - 1 set
Red Maple
LMA-190F: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Nickel Plated - 2 tubes
11-2040: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Metallic Brick Red Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-401FR: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Bead Matte Black AB - 1 tube
DP28-25: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead S/L Capri Blue - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dark Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-S: Silver Plated Ball Toggle - 1 set
Sugar Magnolia
LMA-190FR: Miyuki Long Magatama Nickel Plated Matte AB - 2 tubes
11-4267: Miyuki 11/0 Duracoat S/L Dyed Pink Parfait Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-455: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Metallic Variegated Blue Iris - 1 tube
DP28-20: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop S/L Cobalt - 1 tube
MNT-09: Miyuki Purple Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-C: Copper Ball Toggle - 1 set
Sweet Birch
LMA-4512/L: Miyuki Long Magatama Op Yellow Luster Picasso - 2 tubes
11-1236: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Op Terra Cotta Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-462: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Metallic Gold Iris - 1 tube
DP28-4201: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Duracoat Galvanized Silver - 1 tube
MNT-05: Miyuki Gold Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-AB: Antique Brass Ball Toggle - 1 set
Thundercloud Plum
LMA-460: Miyuki Long Magatama Metallic Dk Raspberry - 2 tubes
11-2333: Miyuki 11/0 Matte Met Blue Slate Gold Iris Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-600: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Op Limestone Luster - 1 tube
DP28-2425: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop S/L Teal - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dk Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-C: Copper Ball Toggle - 1 set
Weeping Willow
LMA-143FR: Miyuki Long Magatama Matte Tr Chartreuse AB - 2 tubes
11-953: Miyuki 11/0 24kt Gold Lined Lt Aqua Seed Bead - 1 tube
SPR22-2008: Miyuki 2.2mm Spacer Matte Metallic Patina Iris - 1 tube
DP28-14: Miyuki 2.8mm Drop S/L Chartreuse - 1 tube
MNT-16: Miyuki Peridot Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
194-505-G: Gold Plated Ball Toggle - 1 set